Wednesday 8 July 2009

Remain Blessed Today.....

Veronica Peris sent this one to me, because she believes this to be an awesome prayer... to an extent, I tend to agree with her!
She wants the reader to read this one with sincere Faith - and just "Pray The Prayer!"

Believe it and you shall be blessed.

The problem with many of us is that we don't believe that God will open a window and pour out blessings that we won't have enough room to receive them. I dare anyone to try God. He is true to His Word. God cannot lie and His promises are sure.

Three things will happen to you this coming week:
(1) You will find favor with someone you don't expect;
(2) You will be too relevant to be ignored;
(3) You will encounter God and you will never remain the same.

She shared with me her prayer for me today:
The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hands that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever. Remain in God's love as you send this prayer to everybody on your list. Have a lovely journey of life! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will never fail you because He is AWESOME!

She asked me to continue reading the mail, if I truly needed a blessing, :
Heavenly Father, most Gracious, and Loving God, I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in You. Father, I send up a prayer request for blessings for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in You is more powerful than anything. I thank You in advance for Your blessings.
The Prayer continues:
Father God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt's burdens. Release Your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me Father, for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk in Your Word and have the faith of a mustard seed that You will pour out blessings. I thank You now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

I do not like chain mails - however great the promised blessings the mesage states. The mail Veronica sent me asks me to take not more than 60 seconds after reading the prayer to send the message on quickly to all the people whom I want GOD to bless today, so that within hours, I would have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other. I do not want to invade people's 'inboxes', theirprivacy, or time..... instead I post the message Veronica's message on my Blog hoping God will enlighten the minds of those who He wants to Bless today to access the blog and say the Prayer to Him....

That way I will feel comfortable to then sit back and watch the power of God work in people's lives... by doing the thing that maybe He loves.

Remain Blessed.

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